Peter Campbell Smith

The Weekly Challenge
Week 304

More information


The Weekly Challenge


Peter's solutions

 Date Task 1 Task 2 Week

Arrange binary

Maximum average


3-digits even

Delete and earn


Ones and zeroes

Step by step


Largest number *

Hamming distance *


Beautiful arrangement

Nested array


Replace words

Word search


Maximal square

Right interval


Contiguous array

Semi-ordered permutation


String compression

Matchstick square


Word break

Jump game


Consecutive sequence

Next permutation


Similar dominoes



Twice largest

Zuma game


Middle index

Poker hand rankings


Double exist

Luhn’s algorithm


Third maximum

Jumbled letters


Closest palindrome

Contiguous block


Strong password

Valid number


Self spammer

Order game


No connection

Making change


Lucky integer

Relative sort


Unique number

Digit count value


Good integer

Changing keys


Check color

Knight’s move


Twice appearance

Count asterisks


Sort letters

Split string


Sort string

Reverse word


Count common

Strong pair


Complete day

Maximum frequency


Broken keys

Replace digits


Goat Latin

Bus route


Percentage of character

B after A


Defang IP address

String score


Maximum ones

Sort by 1 bits


Special positions

Equalize array


Bitwise or

Distribute elements


Magic numbers

Number game


Product sign

Line counts


Uncommon words

X matrix


33% appearance

Completing word


Greatest English letter

Target array


Target index

Merge items


Max positive negative

Count equal divisible


Element digit sum

Multiply by 2


Unique occurrences

Dictionary rank


Banking day offset

Line parser


Count even digits number

Sum of values


Smaller than current

Reduced row echelon


Maximum pairs

Merge strings


Odd character

Most frequent word


Three power

Reverse vowels


Split strings

Weakest row


Special numbers

Unique sum zero


Concatenation Value

Lucky numbers


Smallest index

Alphanumeric string value


Equal pairs

DI string match


Shortest distance

Submatrix sum


Secret Santa

Most frequent letter pair


6 out of 49

Sort language


Sort language

Largest of three


Count smaller

Group hero


Reverse pairs

Floor sum


Missing members

Flip matrix


Arithmetic triplets

Prime order



Build array


Same string

Consistent strings


Running sum

Persistence sort


Seize the day

Maximise greatness


Exact change

Array loops


Remove one

Duplicate zeroes


Common characters

Unequal triplets


Similar words

Frequency sort

 28.08.23No challenge was set for this week  232

Min max

Senior citizens


Separate digits *

Count words *


Lexicographically ordered

Two out of three


Unique sum

Empty array


Friday 13th

Roman maths


Shuffle strings

Zero array


Max words

Left right sum diff


Special notes

Additive number


Count primes

Box coins


Matching members

Last member


Good strings

Arithmetic subsequences


Common characters



Sorted squares

Travel expenditure


Maximum product

Matrix sum


Sorted matrix

Max number


Registration number

Word stickers


Odd one out

Number placement


Rank score

Collect points


Fun sort

Shortest route


Jumping letters

Sequential substrings


Toeplitz matrix

Split same average


Kill and win

Number collision


A 3-letter alphabet

Merging emails


Minimum index sum

Duplicate and missing


Linear words

The H-index for citations


Measuring the gaps

Array pairings


Third highest value

Maximum xor


Uphill or downhill?

Reshape matrix


Special quads

Copy folders


Three odd things

Find the valleys


Missing numbers

Piles of pennies


Arithmetic slices

Seven segment 200


Good pairs

Good triplets


Max gap

Prime count


Move zero *

Wiggle sort *


Pattern 132

Range list


Special integers

Most frequent even


Digital clock

Frequency equalizer


Binary string

Odd string


Binary flip

Equal Distribution


Twice largest

Cute List


Capital detection

Decoded List


Greater character

Array degree


Divisible Pairs

Total Zero


Days together

Magical triplets


Zip list

Unicode makeover


Mac address

Mask code


Sequence number

Split array


Unique array

Date difference


Max index

Common path


Sentence order

Hot day


First unique character *

Trim list *


Ordinal number spelling *

Unicode sparkline *


Quater-imaginary base

Business date


Damm algorithm

Palindromic prime cyclops


Permuted multiples

Reversible numbers


Last Sunday

Perfect totient numbers


Disarium numbers

Permutation ranking


Esthetic number

Sylvester’s sequence


Prime partition

Five-number summary


Abundant number

First-class function *


Primorial numbers

Kronecker product


Brilliant numbers

Achilles numbers


Perrin prime

Home prime


Circular prime

Gamma function


Hexadecimal words

K-directory diff


Scalable vector graphics

Line of best fit


Prime palindrome

Happy numbers


Sum bitwise operator






Abecedarian words



Four is magic

Equilibrium index


Farey sequence *

Möbius number *


Additive primes

First series Cuban primes


Pythagorean means

Brazilian number


Pernicious numbers

Weird number


Fortunate numbers

Pisano period


Missing permutation

Padovan primes


Left factorials



Triangle sum path

Rectangle area


Binary tree depth

Rob the house


Fibonacci words

Square-free integer


Fibonacci digit sum

Largest square


Eban numbers

Cardano triplets


Truncatable prime

Pentagon numbers


10001st prime number

Curious fraction tree


Dot product

Palindromic tree



Ulam sequence



Stealthy number


Divisor last digit

Sleep sort


Number divisors

Like numbers


Add binary

Multiplication table



Long primes



Split number


Long year *

Lychrel number *


Two friendly *

Fibonacci sequence *


Middle 3-digits

Validate SEDOL


Pandigital numbers

Distinct terms count


Integer square root

Smith numbers


Mirror dates *

Hash join *


Consecutive arrays

Find pairs


Odd number

Binary search tree


Root distance *

Add linked lists


Maximum sub-matrix *

Minimum platforms


Disjoint sets *

Conflict intervals *


Count numbers *

Minesweeper game *


Pythagorean triples

Binary tree diameter *


Happy women’s day *

Tug of war


Occasionally older 'try it' buttons don't work, because of later changes to the way this website works. If you let me know (pjcs,solutions^gmail,com) I will (try to) fix them.

* I did not submit this solution at the time but have since solved it.


Any content of this website which has been created by Peter Campbell Smith is in the public domain