Hamming it up
Weekly challenge 301 — 23 December 2024
Week 301: 23 Dec 2024
You are given a list of positive integers, @ints
Write a script to arrange all the elements in the given list such that they form the largest number and return it.
Example 1 Input: @ints = (20, 3) Output: 320 Example 2 Input: @ints = (3, 30, 34, 5, 9) Output: 9534330
For at least 90% of randomly selected @ints
the answer is simply
join('', reverse(sort(@ints)))
which is very fast even for a
large number of @ints
However, just occasionally, that doesn't work, and example 2 above is one such case, where 3, 34, 30 reverse sorts as 34, 30, 3, but 34303 is smaller than 34330, which is the correct answer.
The condition where the reverse sort doesn't work is where two consecutive numbers A and B in the reverse swap meet the condition that B sorts lexicographically after A. For example if A = 80 and B = 8, A sorts after B but 880 is numerically greater than 808.
My solution therefore first reverse sorts @ints
, and then
works backwards along the sorted array, comparing consecutive pairs
of numbers and swapping them if they meet the 'doesn't work' condition
stated above.
Just in case my logic is faulty I have included a check by generating
all the permutations of @ints
and finding the largest, and you
can see from my examples that my algorithm works, and it is of
course increasingly faster than generating the permutations if the size
of @ints
is larger than about 8.
#!/usr/bin/perl # Blog: http://ccgi.campbellsmiths.force9.co.uk/challenge use v5.26; # The Weekly Challenge - 2024-12-23 use utf8; # Week 301 - task 1 - Largest number use warnings; # Peter Campbell Smith binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; use Algorithm::Combinatorics 'permutations'; largest_number(3, 30, 34, 5, 9); # generate random sets with varying lengths of numbers my (@ints, $j, $n, $k); for $j (0 .. 10) { @ints = (); for $k (0 .. 7) { $n = int(rand(7)); push @ints, int(rand(10 ** $n)); } largest_number(@ints); } sub largest_number { my (@ints, $iter, $largest, $number, $perm, $j, $park, $len_a, $len_b, $largest2); # initialise @ints = @_; say qq[\nInput: \@ints = (] . join(', ', @ints) . ')'; $iter = permutations(\@ints); $largest = 0; # find largest by permutations while ($perm = $iter->next) { $number = join('', @$perm); $largest = $number if $number gt $largest; } # find largest by swaps (much faster!) @ints = reverse sort @ints; for ($j = $#ints - 1; $j >= 0; $j --) { next unless ($ints[$j + 1] . $ints[$j]) gt ($ints[$j] . $ints[$j + 1]); # swap two of @ints $park = $ints[$j]; $ints[$j] = $ints[$j + 1]; $ints[$j + 1] = $park; } $largest2 = join('', @ints); my $f = $largest eq $largest2 ? '' : 'mismatch!'; say qq[Output: by perms $largest]; say qq[ by swaps $largest2 $f]; }
Input: @ints = (3, 30, 34, 5, 9) Output: by perms 9534330 by swaps 9534330 Input: @ints = (9411, 0, 66587, 2, 2384, 6394, 6689, 771) Output: by perms 94117716689665876394238420 by swaps 94117716689665876394238420 Input: @ints = (0, 51050, 142158, 65, 9710, 3, 71, 1) Output: by perms 9710716551050314215810 by swaps 9710716551050314215810 Input: @ints = (94, 3878, 77703, 0, 489, 2255, 605535, 66702) Output: by perms 947770366702605535489387822550 by swaps 947770366702605535489387822550 Input: @ints = (8, 7, 60, 319, 0, 0, 8, 2716) Output: by perms 88760319271600 by swaps 88760319271600 Input: @ints = (3939, 0, 83, 165422, 105, 4934, 6406, 84) Output: by perms 84836406493439391654221050 by swaps 84836406493439391654221050 Input: @ints = (109595, 9, 130, 861992, 47988, 97755, 175580, 60) Output: by perms 9977558619926047988175580130109595 by swaps 9977558619926047988175580130109595 Input: @ints = (4, 852945, 884407, 0, 95508, 0, 825849, 77744) Output: by perms 9550888440785294582584977744400 by swaps 9550888440785294582584977744400 Input: @ints = (68632, 3, 21, 575309, 35, 60006, 243961, 0) Output: by perms 6863260006575309353243961210 by swaps 6863260006575309353243961210 Input: @ints = (8, 934867, 42678, 946982, 1, 4, 0, 0) Output: by perms 9469829348678442678100 by swaps 9469829348678442678100 Input: @ints = (5664, 155, 282826, 3, 713866, 442, 0, 944210) Output: by perms 944210713866566444232828261550 by swaps 944210713866566444232828261550 Input: @ints = (95418, 5, 0, 30772, 327714, 8790, 5, 159) Output: by perms 95418879055327714307721590 by swaps 95418879055327714307721590
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