Hamming it up
Weekly challenge 301 — 23 December 2024
Week 301: 23 Dec 2024
You are given an array of integers, @ints
Write a script to return the sum of Hamming distances between all the pairs of the integers in the given array of integers.
The Hamming distance between two integers is the number of places in which their binary representations differ.
Example 1 Input: @ints = (4, 14, 2) Output: 6 Binary representation: 4 => 0100 14 => 1110 2 => 0010 HammingDistance(4, 14) + HammingDistance(4, 2) + HammingDistance(14, 2) = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6. Example 2 Input: @ints = (4, 14, 4) Output: 4
This boils down to two operations:
The first step is simply two nested loops over all the pairs
from the set of @ints
, and the second compares successive bits
by and-ing the numbers with powers of 2.
#!/usr/bin/perl # Blog: http://ccgi.campbellsmiths.force9.co.uk/challenge use v5.26; # The Weekly Challenge - 2024-12-23 use utf8; # Week 301 - task 2 - Hamming distance use warnings; # Peter Campbell Smith binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; hamming_distance(4, 14, 2); hamming_distance(12, 13, 14); hamming_distance(999, 999, 999); hamming_distance(1023, 1024); hamming_distance(7, 15); sub hamming_distance { my (@ints, $from, $to, $b, $hamming); @ints = @_; # loop over pairs $hamming = 0; for $from (0 .. $#ints - 1) { for $to ($from + 1 .. $#ints) { # test for bit difference for ($b = 0; (2 ** $b <= $ints[$from]) or (2 ** $b <= $ints[$to]); $b ++) { $hamming ++ if (($ints[$from] & 2 ** $b) != ($ints[$to] & 2 ** $b)); } } } say qq[\nInput: \@ints = (] . join(', ', @ints) . ')'; say qq[Output: $hamming]; }
Input: @ints = (4, 14, 2) Output: 6 Input: @ints = (12, 13, 14) Output: 4 Input: @ints = (999, 999, 999) Output: 0 Input: @ints = (1023, 1024) Output: 11 Input: @ints = (7, 15) Output: 1
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