Peter Campbell Smith

Uneven number
and binary tree

Weekly challenge 130 — 13 September 2021

Week 130: 13 Sep 2021

Task 2

Task — Binary search tree

You are given a tree. Write a script to find out if the given tree is Binary Search Tree (BST). According to wikipedia, the definition of BST: A binary search tree is a rooted binary tree, whose internal nodes each store a key (and optionally, an associated value), and each has two distinguished sub-trees, commonly denoted left and right.

The tree additionally satisfies the binary search property: the key in each node is greater than or equal to any key stored in the left sub-tree, and less than or equal to any key stored in the right sub-tree.

The leaves (final nodes) of the tree contain no key and have no structure to distinguish them from one another.


Example 1
       / \
      5   9
     / \
    4   6
Output: 1 as the given tree is a BST.

Example 2
       / \
      4   7
     / \
    3   6
Output: 0 as the given tree is a not BST.


My solution expects the input to be a data structure with one line per node, containing

node_id, node_key, node side, node_id_of_parent

where node_id is a sequential number (starting from 0), node_side is L or R and node_parent is the node_id of the parent node. The first line is the node_id and key of the root node.

Here is an example tree shown as node_id->key

                _____/           \_____
          1->25                        2->75
        /      \                     /       \ 
   3->12        4->36          5->63           6->88
  /    \       /     \        /      \       /       \
7->6  8->18  9->30 10->42  11->57  12->69  13->82  14->94

To demonstrate a lowest leaf conflicting with the root, change the key of node 10 from 42 to 51.

Try it 

Try running the script with these nodes:
(node_id, node_key, node side, node_id_of_parent)


use utf8;
use v5.26;
use strict;
use warnings;

# PWC 130 task 2 - Peter Campbell Smith - 2021-09-13

our @nodes;


print qq[This is a valid binary search tree\n];

sub read_nodes {
    my ($n, $line, @keys, $junk);
    # read in tree
    $n = 0;
    while ($line = <DATA>) {
        @keys = split /[\s,]+/, $line;
        ($nodes[$n]->{id}, $nodes[$n]->{key}, $nodes[$n]->{side}, $nodes[$n++]->{parent}) = @keys;

sub check_nodes {
    my ($node_id, $node, $key, $this_node, $parent);

    # loop over nodes
    for $node_id (1 .. $#nodes) {
        $node = $nodes[$node_id];
        $key = $node->{key};
        # need to check against every node back up to the root
        $this_node = $node;
        while (1) {
            $parent = $this_node->{parent};
            if ($this_node->{side} eq 'L') {
                is_bad(qq[node $node_id->$key > node $nodes[$parent]->{id}->$nodes[$parent]->{key}]) 
                    if $key > $nodes[$parent]->{key};
            } elsif ($this_node->{side} eq 'R') {
                is_bad(qq[node $node_id->$key < node $nodes[$parent]->{id}->$nodes[$parent]->{key}]) 
                    if $key < $nodes[$parent]->{key};
            last if $parent == 0;
            $this_node = $nodes[$parent];

sub is_bad {
    print qq[This is not a valid binary search tree as $_[0]\n];

0, 50
1, 25,L,0
2, 75,R,0
3, 12,L,1
4, 36,R,1
5, 63,L,2
6, 88,R,2
7,  6,L,3
8, 18,R,3
9, 26,L,4


This is a valid binary search tree


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