Weekly challenge 308 — 10 February 2025
Week 308: 10 Feb 2025
You are given an encoded array and an initial integer. Write a script to find the original array that produced the given encoded array. It was encoded such that encoded[i] = orig[i] XOR orig[i + 1].
Example 1 Input: @encoded = (1, 2, 3), $initial = 1 Output: (1, 0, 2, 1) Encoded array created like below, if the original array was (1, 0, 2, 1) $encoded[0] = (1 xor 0) = 1 $encoded[1] = (0 xor 2) = 2 $encoded[2] = (2 xor 1) = 3 Example 2 Input: @encoded = (6, 2, 7, 3), $initial = 4 Output: (4, 2, 0, 7, 4)
Oh dear, I thought, caculations involving bitwise operations are always a bit tricky in Perl (and other languages) because the 'not' operator often doesn't do what you want. For example, we might think:
6 decimal is 110 binary so not 6 is 001 binary which is 1 decimal
... but Perl doesn't work like that. It thinks:
6 decimal is 00000000000000000000000000000110 binary so not 6 is 11111111111111111111111111111001 binary which is a humongous decimal number.
So to the challenge. The essence of this is that we have
an equation$a xor $b = $e
where we know $a
and $e
and need to calculate $b
My first thought was simply to loop $b
over say
1 to 1000 and find the $a xor $b
which equals
. For even quite large values of $a
and $e
that works in a fraction of a second and - of course - gives the
correct answer.
But there is a better way. If, as we know, $a xor $b = $e
then it is also true that $a xor $e = $b
, or to put
it differently$b = $a xor $e
. So all we need to do
is apply this to each encoded number $e
, setting
$a = $b
after each one.
#!/usr/bin/perl # Blog: use v5.26; # The Weekly Challenge - 2025-02-10 use utf8; # Week 308 - task 2 - Decode xor use warnings; # Peter Campbell Smith binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; decode_xor([1, 2, 3], 1); decode_xor([6, 2, 7, 3], 4); decode_xor([47, 21, 33, 8], 4); sub decode_xor { my (@e, $a, $b, $e, @result); # inputs @e = @{$_[0]}; $a = $_[1]; $result[0] = $a; # loop over values of @encoded for $e (@e) { $b = $e ^ $a; push @result, $b; $a = $b; } say qq[\nInput: \@encoded = (] . join(', ', @e) . qq[), \$integer = $_[1]]; say qq[Output: (] . join(', ', @result) . ')'; }
Input: @encoded = (1, 2, 3), $integer = 1 Output: (1, 0, 2, 1) Input: @encoded = (6, 2, 7, 3), $integer = 4 Output: (4, 2, 0, 7, 4) Input: @encoded = (47, 21, 33, 8), $integer = 4 Output: (4, 43, 62, 31, 23)
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