Binary aliens
Weekly challenge 305 — 20 January 2025
Week 305: 20 Jan 2025
You are given a list of words and alien dictionary character order. Write a script to sort lexicographically the given list of words based on the alien dictionary characters.
Example 1 Input: @words = ('perl', 'python', 'raku') @alien = qw/h l a b y d e f g i r k m n o p q j s t u v w x c z/ Output: ('raku', 'python', 'perl') Example 2 Input: @words = ('the', 'weekly', 'challenge') @alien = qw/c o r l d a b t e f g h i j k m n p q s w u v x y z/ Output: ('challenge', 'the', 'weekly')
I can see two ways to do this:
such that
sort { fn($a) <=> fn($b) } @words
creates the desired ordering. I'm sure that can be done, and expect that some solutions will be submitted doing it that way.
produces by default.I chose the second option. I did that because it's easier to read, and it's faster than the first option because each word is translated each way only once.
#!/usr/bin/perl # Blog: use v5.26; # The Weekly Challenge - 2025-01-20 use utf8; # Week 305 - task 2 - Alien dictionary use warnings; # Peter Campbell Smith binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; alien_dictionary(['perl', 'python', 'raku'], [qw/h l a b y d e f g i r k m n o p q j s t u v w x c z/]); alien_dictionary(['the', 'weekly', 'challenge'], [qw/c o r l d a b t e f g h i j k m n p q s w u v x y z/]); alien_dictionary(['aarvark', 'antelope', 'deer', 'hyrax', 'meercat', 'sloth', 'tiger', 'unicorn', 'zebra'], [qw/z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a/]); sub alien_dictionary { my (@words, @alien, %from_alien, %to_alien, $j, $w, @letters); @words = @{$_[0]}; @alien = @{$_[1]}; say qq[\nInput: \@words = ('] . join(q[', '], @words) . q[')]; say qq[ \@alien = qw/] . join(' ', @alien) . '/'; # make translation tables for $j (0 .. 25) { $to_alien{$alien[$j]} = chr(ord('a') + $j); $from_alien{chr(ord('a') + $j)} = $alien[$j]; } # translate each word to Alienese for $w (0 .. $#words) { @letters = split('', $words[$w]); $letters[$_] = $to_alien{$letters[$_]} for 0 .. $#letters; $words[$w] = join('', @letters); } # sort words @words = sort @words; # translate each word to English for $w (0 .. $#words) { @letters = split('', $words[$w]); $letters[$_] = $from_alien{$letters[$_]} for 0 .. $#letters;; $words[$w] = join('', @letters); } say qq[Output: \@words = ('] . join(q[', '], @words) . q[')]; }
Input: @words = ('perl', 'python', 'raku') @alien = qw/h l a b y d e f g i r k m n o p q j s t u v w x c z/ Output: @words = ('raku', 'python', 'perl') Input: @words = ('the', 'weekly', 'challenge') @alien = qw/c o r l d a b t e f g h i j k m n p q s w u v x y z/ Output: @words = ('challenge', 'the', 'weekly') Input: @words = ('aarvark', 'antelope', 'deer', 'hyrax', 'meercat', 'sloth', 'tiger', 'unicorn', 'zebra') @alien = qw/z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a/ Output: @words = ('zebra', 'unicorn', 'tiger', 'sloth', 'meercat', 'hyrax', 'deer', 'antelope', 'aarvark')
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