Peter Campbell Smith

My word - and min max

Weekly challenge 286 — 9 September 2024

Week 286: 9 Sep 2024

Task 1

Task — Self spammer

Write a program which outputs one word of its own script / source code at random. A word is anything between whitespace, including symbols.


Example 1
If the source code contains a line such as: 
'open my $fh, "<", "" or die;'
then the program would output each of the words
{ open, my, $fh,, "<",, "", or, die; }
(along with other words in the source) with some positive 

Example 2
Technically 'print(" hello ");' is *not* an 
example program, because it does not
assign positive probability to the other two words in the
It will never display print(" or ");

Example 3
An empty script is one trivial solution, and here is 
echo "42" > && 
   perl -p -e ''


Perhaps the hardest part of this is finding the full path to the current script, so that it can be read in. So far as I know, there is no predefined Perl variable that contains it.

In the end I opted for use File::Spec;.

The rest is trivial. I have written it as 3 lines of code for ease of understanding, but they could all be combined into a single line

Try it 

Try running the script:



# Blog:

use v5.26;    # The Weekly Challenge - 2024-09-09
use utf8;     # Week 286 - task 1 - Self spammer
use warnings; # Peter Campbell Smith
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
use File::Spec;

my ($script_path, @words, $rand);

# find location of source script
$script_path = File::Spec->rel2abs(__FILE__);

# split it into 'words'
@words = split(/\s+/, `cat $script_path`);

# select a random 'word'
$rand = int(rand(@words));  
say qq[Output: word $rand of ] . (scalar(@words) - 1) . qq[ is '$words[$rand]'];


Output: word 50 of 78 is 'into'


Any content of this website which has been created by Peter Campbell Smith is in the public domain