Peter Campbell Smith

Dates and parsing

Weekly challenge 259 — 4 March 2024

Week 259: 4 Mar 2024

Task 1

Task — Banking day offset

You are given a start date and offset counter. Optionally you also get a bank holiday date list. Given a number of days and a start date, return the number of days adjusted to take into account non-banking days. In other words: convert a banking day offset to a calendar day offset.

Non-banking days are weekends and bank holidays.


Example 1
Input: $start_date = '2018-06-28', $offset = 3, 
   $bank_holidays = ['2018-07-03']
Output: '2018-07-04'

Thursday bumped to Wednesday (3 day offset, with 
   Monday a bank holiday)

Example 2
Input: $start_date = '2018-06-28', $offset = 3
Output: '2018-07-03'


I do enjoy date challenges. I've slightly deviated from the statement of this one because I already have a function - bank_hols - that calculates English bank holiday dates. I wrote it in 2001 since when my programming style has developed somewhat, but it works. The tricky dates are of course Good Friday and Easter Monday: you can see how I calculate those in the comments, a method which I took from an early paper that later became the book Calendrical Calculations by Nachum Dershowitz and Edward Reingold.

With this sort of challenge I've found the best way is just to step forward day by day, discarding any dates that aren't working days and counting those that are by decrementing $offset until it is zero. I work with Unix dates - ie seconds since the start of 1970. Since we're dealing with whole days I start at noon on the first day and add 86400 seconds to step forward a day. Because of daylight saving time that may sometimnes end up at 11:00 or 13:00, but that doesn't matter as we're only concerned with the date.

Eliminating Saturdays and Sundays is done using Perl's inbuilt timelocal() function, which returns the day-of week in array @d with $d[6] == 0 being Sunday and $d[6] == 6 being Saturday. That bit's easy.

My bank_hols() function takes a 4-digit year as its argument and returns an array of bank holidays in ISO-8601 yyyy-mm-dd format. To answer the question of whether a date is a bank holiday, I first join() the holiday dates with a '|' separator into $hol_string. That way I can simply use $ymd_date =~ m|$hol_string| to identify a holiday. I cache $hol_string and only recalculate it if the stepping forward crosses a year boundary.

One could say that this is an inefficient algorithm, but, as you'll see in my worked examples, it copes with an offset of 10 000 days in milliseconds.

Try it 

Try running the script with any input:

example: 2024-03-11

example: 30



# Blog:

use v5.26;    # The Weekly Challenge - 2024-03-04
use utf8;     # Week 259 - task 1 - Banking day offset
use warnings; # Peter Campbell Smith
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';

use Time::Local;

banking_day_offset('2024-03-04', 5);
banking_day_offset('2024-03-28', 1); # Easter weekend
banking_day_offset('2024-01-02', 254);
banking_day_offset('1970-01-01', 10000);

sub banking_day_offset {
    my ($start_date, $unix_date, $one_day, $hol_year, @d, 
        $year, @hols, $hol_string, $ymd_date, $offset);
    ($start_date, $offset) = @_;

    # initialise
    say qq[\nInput:  \$start_date = '$start_date', \$offset = $offset];
    $start_date =~ m|(....)-(..)-(..)|;
    $unix_date = timelocal(0, 0, 12, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900);
    $one_day = 86400; # secs in a day
    $hol_year = 0;
    # move forward day by day
    while ($offset > 0) {
        $unix_date += $one_day;
        @d = localtime($unix_date);
        # weekend no good
        next if ($d[6] == 0 or $d[6] == 6);
        # bank holiday no good
        $year = $d[5] + 1900;
        if ($hol_year != $year) {
            @hols = bank_hols($year);
            $hol_string = join('|', @hols);
            $hol_year = $year;
        $ymd_date = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $year, $d[4] + 1, $d[3]);
        next if $ymd_date =~ m|$hol_string|;
        # decrement $offset until 0
        $offset --;     
    say qq[Output: '$ymd_date'];

sub bank_hols {     # (year as yyyy)

    # pjcs - 2001-01-29
    my ($year, @hols, $thedate, @d, $x, $dow, $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, 
        $h, $i, $k, $l, $m, $n, $p, $gf);

    # get unix year
    $year = $_[0] - 1900;

    # New Year = first non-weekend day in year
    $thedate = timelocal(0, 0, 12, 1, 0, $year);
    ($x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $dow) = localtime($thedate);
    $thedate += 86400 if $dow == 0;
    $thedate += 172800 if $dow == 6;
    @d = localtime($thedate);
    push @hols, sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $d[5] + 1900, $d[4] + 1, $d[3]);

    # Good Friday = two days before Easter

# easter algorithm

# Divide                         by       Quotient     Remainder
# the year                       19          -             a
# the year                      100          b             c
# b                               4          d             e
# b + 8                          25          f             -
# b - f + 1                       3          g             -
# 19*a + b - d - g + 15          30          -             h
# c                               4          i             k
# 32 + 2*e + 2*i - h - k          7          -             L
# a + 11*h + 22*L               451          m             -
# h + L - 7*m + 114              31          n             p
# then Easter falls on day p+1 of month n

    ($x, $a) = quorem($year + 1900, 19);
    ($b, $c) = quorem($year + 1900, 100);
    ($d, $e) = quorem($b, 4);
    ($f, $x) = quorem($b + 8, 25);
    ($g, $x) = quorem($b - $f + 1, 3);
    ($x, $h) = quorem(19 * $a + $b - $d - $g + 15, 30);
    ($i, $k) = quorem($c, 4);
    ($x, $l) = quorem(32 + 2 * $e + 2*$i - $h - $k, 7);
    ($m, $x) = quorem($a + 11 * $h + 22 * $l, 451);
    ($n, $p) = quorem($h + $l - 7 * $m + 114, 31);

    $thedate = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $p + 1, $n - 1, $year) - 172800;
    @d = localtime($thedate);
    push @hols, sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $d[5] + 1900, $d[4] + 1, $d[3]);
    # Easter Monday = three days after Good Friday
    $thedate += 3 * 86400;
    @d = localtime($thedate);
    push @hols, sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $d[5] + 1900, $d[4] + 1, $d[3]);

    # May Day = first Monday in May
    $thedate = timelocal(0, 0, 0, 1, 4, $year);
    ($x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $dow) = localtime($thedate);
    $dow = -1 if $dow == 6;
    $thedate += (1 - $dow) * 86400 if $dow <= 0;
    $thedate += (8 - $dow) * 86400 if $dow >= 2;
    $thedate += 172800 if $dow == 6;
    @d = localtime($thedate);
    push @hols, sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $d[5] + 1900, $d[4] + 1, $d[3]);

    # Spring bank holiday - last Monday in May
    $thedate = timelocal(0, 0, 0, 1, 5, $year);
    ($x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $dow) = localtime($thedate);
    $thedate -= ($dow - 1) * 86400 if $dow >= 2;
    $thedate -= ($dow + 6) * 86400 if $dow <= 1;
    @d = localtime($thedate);
    push @hols, sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $d[5] + 1900, $d[4] + 1, $d[3]);

    # Summer bank holiday - last Monday in August
    $thedate = timelocal(0, 0, 0, 1, 8, $year);
    ($x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $dow) = localtime($thedate);
    $thedate -= ($dow - 1) * 86400 if $dow >= 2;
    $thedate -= ($dow + 6) * 86400 if $dow <= 1;
    @d = localtime($thedate);
    push @hols, sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $d[5] + 1900, $d[4] + 1, $d[3]);

    # Christmas and Boxing Day - 2 weekdays on or after 25 December
    $thedate = timelocal(0, 0, 12, 24, 11, $year);
    for $k (0 .. 1) {
        do {
            $thedate += 86400;
            ($x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $x, $dow) = localtime($thedate);
        } until ($dow >= 1 and $dow <= 5);
        @d = localtime($thedate);
        push @hols, sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $d[5] + 1900, $d[4] + 1, $d[3]);

    return @hols;

sub quorem {

#   quorem(a, b) returns (quotient, remainder) of a/b  (+ve integers only)

    return (int $_[0]/$_[1], $_[0]%$_[1]);


Input:  $start_date = '2024-03-04', $offset = 5
Output: '2024-03-11'

Input:  $start_date = '2024-03-28', $offset = 1
Output: '2024-04-02'

Input:  $start_date = '2024-01-02', $offset = 254
Output: '2025-01-02'

Input:  $start_date = '1970-01-01', $offset = 10000
Output: '2109-07-18'


Any content of this website which has been created by Peter Campbell Smith is in the public domain